Dragon Ball Daima API Documentation - Access All Endpoints and Features
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This is the documentation for the Dragon Ball API, providing insights on how to use it. Below, we will explore all the routes and data structures, helping you become acquainted with the API. Explore and test the API by clicking here -> Swagger Documentation


Get All Characters

URL: https://dragon-ball-daima-api.com/api/characters/
Retrieve a list of all characters from the API.

Get Single Character

URL: https://dragon-ball-daima-api.com/api/characters/:id
Retrieve a list of all characters from the API.

Get Random Character

URL: https://dragon-ball-daima-api.com/api/characters/random
Retrieve details of a random character from the API.


Get All Episodes

URL: https://dragon-ball-daima-api.com/api/episodes
Retrieve a list of all episodes from the API.

Get Single Episode

URL: https://dragon-ball-daima-api.com/api/episodes/episode?season=:num&episodeNumber=:num
Retreive a single episode from the API.


Character Battle

URL: https://dragon-ball-daima-api.com/api/battle
Simulate a battle between two characters.